During my study in Poznan I have acquired tour guide license in English and Russian.
I have worked as an interpreter (polish-german) for the Family-Help organisation of the Nuremberg city, on honorarium-basis, 1988 - 1990.
My translations
- "Englische Kurzgrammatik" von J.Cavanagh, 49 pages, from English into Polish - "Krotka gramatyka jezyka angielskiego"
- "A Letter to the Next Generation" von I. Asimov, 2 pages, from English into German - "Ein Brief an die nächste Generation"
- "Ripping off the Reaper: Can Human Aging Be Reversed - And Should It Be ?" von Ronald W. Garrison, 10 pages, from English into Polish - "Koszenie Kosiarza: Czy mozna odwrocic proces starzenia sie i czy nalezy to uczynic ?"
- "Powrocmy do ziol" von A. Cz. Klimuszko, 191 pages, from Polish into German - "Zurück zu
den Kräutern"
- "Das Rechtsstaatsprinzip der Republik" von K. A. Schachtschneider, 134 pages, from German into Polish - "Zasada panstwa prawa w republice".
However, the last two translations have not been finally corrected yet.